A Worshiping Wordsmith

My name is Pierce Taylor Hibbs. I have a passion for my Lord and Savior, my beautiful family, Reformed theology, spiritual formation, poetry, literature, and pretty much everything to do with words. Head on over to my books page to see the sorts of things God has given me to write. You can read a bit more about my story below.

my story

The Christian life is about learning to first receive and then steward God's good gifts. For me, this learning has come through loss and adversity.

My father died of cancer when I was 18, and that snowballed (perhaps through a PTSD response) into an anxiety disorder. But God turned my life toward himself in these immensely painful realities. After studying professional writing as an undergraduate (Elizabethtown College, 2007), I thought I'd pursue writing as a career. But my heart and mind were steeped in Scripture ever since I'd developed the anxiety disorder (2006). I couldn't help but view everything through a biblical lens.

So, rather than studying to be a writer in a masters program, I went to seminary. I received an MAR and ThM from Westminster Theological Seminary (2010, 2016), in addition to an MS TESOL from Biola (2020). I taught writing at the seminary for over a decade before taking on my current role as Senior Writer and Communication Specialist. You can see more of my work over at Westminster Media.

By God's grace, I've written over 2o books, dozens of print articles, and many more online. Writing is my God-given passion. And through it, he has been shaping me bit by bit to the image of his Son (Rom. 8:28-29). Whatever gifts I've given to others have just been presents changing hands, his to mine, mine to yours.  




"But really," you might be asking, "what's this guy about?" Well, as an English major, I always loved words and stories and poetry. Going to seminary made me realize that not much theology is written with poetic passion. There are exceptions, of course. But the norm was to read rather dry material. Don't get me wrong: I still loved all of it! But I wondered if God may have a place for me in writing more artistically and lyrically about the truths of Scripture. I believe he did.

Jumping off a base of language studies rooted in the Trinity and the Christian linguist Kenneth L. Pike (The Trinity, Language, and Human Behavior; The Speaking Trinity & His Worded World), I began exploring spiritual topics that were deeply personal. Anxiety and grief were the natural starting points (Struck Down but Not Destroyed; Finding Hope in Hard Things; Still, Silent and Strong; I Am a Human). But I then followed that path to what naturally (biblically) follows: how hardship and suffering conform us to Christ so that we can be better stewards of our time and resources as we cling to his truth (The Book of Giving; The Great Lie). I'm now doing a bit more with apologetics (Insider Outsider) and spiritual formation (The Christ-Light). The journey never ends. Throughout it all, there has been poetry, of course (Borrowed Images; word by Word). And there likely always will be. As well as fiction (The White Door; The Castle in the Clouds).

May the speaking God of hope bless you as you read whatever words he has given me.

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